Error in ComplexHeatmap while adding barplot as column annotations
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2.8 years ago


I am working with an log2 fold change expression matrix in R and trying to plot a heatmap annotated with bars on each column on the top from the counts data (or responsive genes) using library(ComplexHeatmap) package and getting an error. I have provided the input data and expected out below. Please advise on how to solve this.

Error: number of observations in top annotation should be as same as ncol of the matrix.

Thank you, Toufiq

structure(c(-0.883643926, -0.248614376, -0.518091486, -0.535221236, 
            -0.415450436, -0.940323826, -0.723796576, -0.824290276, -0.753322836, 
            -0.806255146, -0.747521326, NA, -0.320247786, 0.110402434, -1.005757776, 
            -0.706686256, -0.796173776, -0.574616976, -0.757579476, -0.651924848, 
            -0.044501908, -0.451601548, -0.384956008, -0.678620408, -0.706674058, 
            -0.572657338, -0.686018538, -0.514713298, -0.532390248, -0.462136378, 
            NA, -0.123749828, 0.343669412, -0.489804678, -0.447612948, -0.611873538, 
            -0.477327798, -0.590774288, -0.017798089, 0.192058061, -0.055408169, 
            -0.152159119, 0.263042701, -0.382693409, -0.063857699, -0.152939869, 
            -0.050295909, -0.337659179, -0.058902499, NA, -0.410700949, -0.079817359, 
            -0.313859499, 0.002403881, -0.562811849, -0.353911149, 0.006032581, 
            -0.141324408, 0.096038562, 0.171087962, -0.295921938, 0.482199712, 
            -0.317140358, -0.115931318, -0.264788018, -0.158997338, -0.476858598, 
            0.039648912, NA, -0.235496858, 0.065630452, -0.175745228, 0.083321692, 
            -0.712253838, -0.251200888, -0.004567068, -0.167945369, 0.805406021, 
            -0.591077759, 0.741171721, 2.494610191, -0.532343489, -0.358607189, 
            -0.442774239, -0.103589789, 0.213156301, -0.022826199, NA, 1.215920941, 
            3.377354481, 0.033402621, -0.183228609, 0.616853471, 1.260055211, 
            -0.518548419, -0.269887464, 0.651177556, -0.638584884, 0.637445626, 
            2.363311126, -0.518550644, -0.548715454, -0.656370694, -0.150589014, 
            0.061194616, -0.121604684, NA, 1.198130706, 3.132598336, -0.102222284, 
            -0.338918174, 0.407338406, 1.192401486, -0.629295034, 0.224167264, 
            0.181754044, 0.271578844, -0.357815996, 0.173898274, 0.097649164, 
            0.047596544, 0.204227434, 0.047299374, 0.225855454, 0.098997764, 
            NA, 0.316586394, 0.050782324, 0.253073784, 0.266165624, 0.079117194, 
            0.031888764, 0.231072844, 0.055545271, 0.059685561, 0.006279711, 
            -0.635848059, 0.297302061, -0.006876539, -0.050632179, 0.006454301, 
            -0.042377289, -0.020155689, -0.125523179, NA, 0.207185861, 0.298005181, 
            0.050015221, 0.096842111, -0.226106489, -0.312930109, 0.042911411
), .Dim = c(19L, 8L), .Dimnames = list(c("Gene_1", "Gene_2", 
                                         "Gene_3", "Gene_4", "Gene_5", "Gene_6", "Gene_7", "Gene_8", "Gene_9", 
                                         "Gene_10", "Gene_11", "Gene_12", "Gene_13", "Gene_14", "Gene_15", 
                                         "Gene_16", "Gene_17", "Gene_18", "Gene_19"), c("A", "B", "C", 
                                                                                        "D", "E", "F", "F1", "H")))
#>                  A           B            C            D           E
#> Gene_1  -0.8836439 -0.65192485 -0.017798089 -0.141324408 -0.16794537
#> Gene_2  -0.2486144 -0.04450191  0.192058061  0.096038562  0.80540602
#> Gene_3  -0.5180915 -0.45160155 -0.055408169  0.171087962 -0.59107776
#> Gene_4  -0.5352212 -0.38495601 -0.152159119 -0.295921938  0.74117172
#> Gene_5  -0.4154504 -0.67862041  0.263042701  0.482199712  2.49461019
#> Gene_6  -0.9403238 -0.70667406 -0.382693409 -0.317140358 -0.53234349
#> Gene_7  -0.7237966 -0.57265734 -0.063857699 -0.115931318 -0.35860719
#> Gene_8  -0.8242903 -0.68601854 -0.152939869 -0.264788018 -0.44277424
#> Gene_9  -0.7533228 -0.51471330 -0.050295909 -0.158997338 -0.10358979
#> Gene_10 -0.8062551 -0.53239025 -0.337659179 -0.476858598  0.21315630
#> Gene_11 -0.7475213 -0.46213638 -0.058902499  0.039648912 -0.02282620
#> Gene_12         NA          NA           NA           NA          NA
#> Gene_13 -0.3202478 -0.12374983 -0.410700949 -0.235496858  1.21592094
#> Gene_14  0.1104024  0.34366941 -0.079817359  0.065630452  3.37735448
#> Gene_15 -1.0057578 -0.48980468 -0.313859499 -0.175745228  0.03340262
#> Gene_16 -0.7066863 -0.44761295  0.002403881  0.083321692 -0.18322861
#> Gene_17 -0.7961738 -0.61187354 -0.562811849 -0.712253838  0.61685347
#> Gene_18 -0.5746170 -0.47732780 -0.353911149 -0.251200888  1.26005521
#> Gene_19 -0.7575795 -0.59077429  0.006032581 -0.004567068 -0.51854842
#>                   F           F1            H
#> Gene_1  -0.26988746  0.22416726  0.055545271
#> Gene_2   0.65117756  0.18175404  0.059685561
#> Gene_3  -0.63858488  0.27157884  0.006279711
#> Gene_4   0.63744563 -0.35781600 -0.635848059
#> Gene_5   2.36331113  0.17389827  0.297302061
#> Gene_6  -0.51855064  0.09764916 -0.006876539
#> Gene_7  -0.54871545  0.04759654 -0.050632179
#> Gene_8  -0.65637069  0.20422743  0.006454301
#> Gene_9  -0.15058901  0.04729937 -0.042377289
#> Gene_10  0.06119462  0.22585545 -0.020155689
#> Gene_11 -0.12160468  0.09899776 -0.125523179
#> Gene_12          NA          NA           NA
#> Gene_13  1.19813071  0.31658639  0.207185861
#> Gene_14  3.13259834  0.05078232  0.298005181
#> Gene_15 -0.10222228  0.25307378  0.050015221
#> Gene_16 -0.33891817  0.26616562  0.096842111
#> Gene_17  0.40733841  0.07911719 -0.226106489
#> Gene_18  1.19240149  0.03188876 -0.312930109
#> Gene_19 -0.62929503  0.23107284  0.042911411

structure(list(A = 3L, B = 3L, C = 15L, D = 12L, E = 5L, F = 1L, 
               F1 = 7L, H = 5L), class = "data.frame", row.names = "counts")
#>        A B  C  D E F F1 H
#> counts 3 3 15 12 5 1 7 5

all(colnames(Expression) == colnames(Counts))

# Plot heatmap
column_ha = HeatmapAnnotation(bar = anno_barplot(Counts))
Heatmap(Expression, name = "log2FC", top_annotation = column_ha, cluster_columns = F)

> Error: number of observations in top annotation should be as same as
> ncol of the matrix.

Expected plot

Created on 2022-04-21 by the [reprex package]( (v2.0.1)

ComplexHeatmap heatmap barplot R annotation • 2.0k views
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The problem comes from the fact Counts is not numeric but a data.frame.

column_ha = HeatmapAnnotation(bar = anno_barplot(as.numeric(Counts)))

But next problem, you'll have to deal with is the presence of NA in your dataframe...

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Hi Basti, thank you for the prompt response. This resolved my query.


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