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2.4 years ago
I have load 2 tsv files from GSEA analysis (upregulated and downregulated pathways) to R, and I would like to plot the results like a dotplot, using ggplot or cluster profiler. Is it possible?
Otherwise, I also have an excel with a list of differentially expressed genes between my groups, log2foldchange and p-value. Is it possible to make a GSEA analysis with this data and then plot it?
Thank you!!
Without seeing your data it is difficult to comment on how to generate dotplots. I would recommend
though. Otherwise you can follow the tutorial ofClusterprofiler
and make it work for your gene list data - https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/clusterProfiler.html which is a good tool for creating gene enrichment type plots. You may also wish to have a background list of genes ready if you want to useClusterprofiler
.My gene list is an excel with the following columns: name of gene, log2foldchange, p-value. I have tried to use enrichGo() on this data, but the results don't make biologycal sense.
My code is:
organism = "org.Mm.eg.db" BiocManager::install(organism, character.only = TRUE, force = TRUE) library(organism, character.only = TRUE)
df <- read_excel("C:/Users/u-ugc/Desktop/Mireia - ESC/GSEA Analysis/ranked15.xlsx", sheet = "Sheet1")
sig_genes_df = subset(df, pvalue < 0.05)
genes <- sig_genes_df$log2foldchange
names(genes) <- sig_genes_df$name
genes <- na.omit(genes)
genes <- names(genes)[abs(genes) > 2]
go_enrich <- enrichGO(gene = genes, universe = names(gene_list), OrgDb = organism, keyType = 'SYMBOL', readable = F, ont = "BP", pvalueCutoff = 0.5, qvalueCutoff = 0.5)