Adding @RG header line to bam and sam files in hisat2
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2.5 years ago
Nemo • 0


I am using hisat2 for generating sam files using the below command in shell:

./hisat2-2.2.1-Linux_x86_64/hisat2-2.2.1/hisat2 -p 2 --dta -x reference.fasta -1 ./Data/D1.fastq.gz -2 ./Data/D2.fastq.gz -S D.sam

Then using samtools sort command, I generate the bam file:

./samtools-1.15.1.tar/samtools-1.15.1/samtools sort -o /bamOutput/D.bam D.sam

Finally when I want to generate variants calls using the below command:

./gatk/gatk HaplotypeCaller -R reference.fasta -I ./bamOutput/D.bam -O ./Output/D.vcf --minimum-mapping-quality 10 --ploidy 2 -ERC GVCF

It gives me the error that:

A USER ERROR has occurred: Argument emit-ref-confidence has a bad value: Can only be used in single sample mode currently. Use the --sample-name argument to run on a single sample out of a multi-sample BAM file.

I tried to run samtools view command and the output is like below:

@HD     VN:1.0  SO:coordinate
@SQ     SN:NC_045512.2  LN:29903
@PG     ID:hisat2       PN:hisat2       VN:2.2.1        CL:"/mnt/d/Tools/hisat2-2.2.1-Linux_x86_64/hisat2-2.2.1/hisat2-align-s --wrapper basic-0 -p 2 --dta -x reference.fasta -S D.sam --read-lengths 60 -1 /tmp/23220.inpipe1 -2 /tmp/23220.inpipe2"
@PG     ID:samtools     PN:samtools     PP:hisat2       VN:     CL:./samtools-1.15.1.tar/samtools-1.15.1/samtools sort -o ./bamOutput/D.bam D.sam
@PG     ID:samtools.1   PN:samtools     PP:samtools     VN:     CL:./samtools-1.15.1.tar/samtools-1.15.1/samtools view -H ./AllData/hisat2/D.bam

I found that there is no @RG header line and gatk needs this line to extract variants. I have two questions, first how I can add this line to my sam and bam files?

and second, what are the valid tag:value pairs for this header line?

I really appreciate any recommendation.

bam hisat2 header alignment • 2.0k views
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If you don't want to rerun the alignment, you can use picard AddOrReplaceReadGroups. However, GATK recommends adding read groups at the alignment step, as Pierre suggested.

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 -O ./Output/D.vcf  -ERC GVCF

output should be name ./Output/D.g.vcf if you're using a GVCF mode.

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2.5 years ago

specify the read group in histat:

--rg-id <text>
Set the read group ID to <text>. This causes the SAM @RG header line to be printed, with <text> as the value associated with the ID: tag. It also causes the RG:Z: extra field to be attached to each SAM output record, with value set to <text>.

--rg <text>
Add <text> (usually of the form TAG:VAL, e.g. SM:Pool1) as a field on the @RG header line. Note: in order for the @RG line to appear, --rg-id must also be specified. This is because the ID tag is required by the SAM Spec. Specify --rg multiple times to set multiple fields. See the SAM Spec for details about what fields are legal.
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Thanks @Pierre for your reply. I tried to run below command as suggested by histat2 manual:

./hisat2-2.2.1-Linux_x86_64/hisat2-2.2.1/hisat2 --no-spliced-alignment --no-unal --rg-id ID:D10_S24_L001 --rg SM:D10_S24_L001 --rg PL:ILLUMINA --rg PM:HISEQ -p 2 -x reference.fasta -1 ./Data/D1.fastq.gz -2 ./Data/D2.fastq.gz -S D10.sam

It does not throw any error but still does not generate sam file. before using --rg-id and --rg tags it would be able to generate sam files but after editing like this it does not give any error. The logs in both cases are something similar to below:

33583125 reads; of these: 33583125 (100.00%) were paired; of these: 33565755 (99.95%) aligned concordantly 0 times 17370 (0.05%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time

0 (0.00%) aligned concordantly >1 times
33565755 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
  4324 (0.01%) aligned discordantly 1 time
33561431 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
  67122862 mates make up the pairs; of these:
    67107582 (99.98%) aligned 0 times
    15280 (0.02%) aligned exactly 1 time
    0 (0.00%) aligned >1 times

0.09% overall alignment rate

I am not sure what is wrong in my command as it does not produce any error nor any sam output file.

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still does not generate sam file.

why "still does not generate sam file" ? You had a BAM file in your question has HaplotypeCaller was able to read it and you were able to extract the header with samtools.

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I have created a new post in Not producing sam file in hisat2 to not make anybody confused. I would appreciate if you can guide me there.


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