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2.0 years ago
How to build a phylogenetics tree of apes: Human, chimpanzee, bonobo, gorilla, pongo, etc. I want it to display actual relationship/evolution in this clade (something like this ). I am a bit familiar with phylogenetics analysis, steps I should perform, so, the question is: How to choose a suitable sequence to create a tree? Is it possible to use only one sequence (e.g. CDS or whole gene) to perform it? What gene is it?
The simplest way is the best way for me. Thank you, in advance!
Your question is very broad: you are basically asking "how to reconstruct a species tree?", and people have been publishing works on that for decades, so there is no simple answer. The main question is why do you want to do that? There are probably hundreds of works with reconstructed phylogenies for apes, can't you just use one of them?
I want to demonstrate pipeline from mse -> to tree inference (educational purpose). It would be better if it was Apes, and a constructed tree would look like a real one.
Take a look here.