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2.3 years ago
Hi everyone! I have a genome .fa file and a .bed file showing repetitive elements in this genome. I want to visualize these files in IGV to see how genome is covered by repetitive DNA. If I do it in scale of all genome
( picture 1
) it works, but if I zoom in the chromosome it does not work (picture 2
). Does anyone know how to add a track, or may be do something else to display the coverage/density plot?
Can you show a snippet of your BED data? What columns do you have in the file?
Of course:
Looks like you only have intervals in your file so where is the "coverage" part going to come from? In Pic 1 when you are fully zoomed out it the "coverage plot" is a visual illusion even though the actual records are just intervals when you zoom in sufficiently i.e. they are just one tick in that track in Pic2.
But I thought IGV calculates something like coverage for each segment. May be something like coverage (%) per 100 kb.
Now I added a column and it looks like:
the fifth column is a coverage per bin (100kb window size). Do you know how can I visualize it via IGV?