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2.2 years ago
Hi everyone,
We are just getting started with our new MinION sequencer. As we are also looking to expand our workflows and consequently upgrade our throughput, we are considering investing in new hardware (PC).
So, we are reaching out to you for a possible configuration of our new PC. As the workflow involves a lot of CPU/GPU power, we came to the following configuration: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/VVbKRv
Could you let me know if this is enough for the near future? And will we be able to design and run our first workflows? (e.g. coding/developments)
I really appreciate any help you can provide!
OP already received advice on general hardware in a prior post PC build for Nanopore data analysis so please address the specific question included here.
Could you let me know if this is enough for the near future? And will we be able to design and run our first workflows? Are the specs enough to build and run pipelines for microbiome analysis? Or would this be limited on a system like this?
124 GB of RAM might not be enough for certain task
Would you advice to go for a system with 256 gb instead?
depends on the complexity of the data. Check this paper and look at the Source Data Fig. 5