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2.1 years ago
How to filter genes inside a normalized count data file based on p-adjust value?
I want to add a filter to only take the genes under specific p-adjust value?
Here are the normalization steps:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = countdata,colData = coldata,design= ~ condition)
dds <- DESeq(dds)
count_data_normalized <- counts(dds, normalized=TRUE)
Based on which p-values ? I can't see any differential expression analysis here
Do I have to extract the results table from results function: results(dds), then I make filtration based on p-adjust value? But If I do that, then how can I extract again the genes under specific p-value?
If you want to select genes from a differential analysis results, yes you should use
but pay attention to your study design to extract the contrast you need. Then you can usedplyr
and thefilter
function to retain the genes which meet your specific criteriaSo, use results command to extract the p-adjust, then I need to select the filtered genes to pick them only from the count data normalized file, right? If so then how? by left_join? Thanks a lot @Basti
When you have the filtered genes, just select from counts the corresponding rownames
But the genes will gonna be several as the data already have 24,000 genes
Please clarify your problem, and explain the desired output