I am trying to install spades using conda. Even though the bioconda has the latest version, the version getting installed in my system is an older version 3.13. Initially, I thought creating a new environment (with python 3.8) will resolve the issue. But still, conda is installing the old version. I am using conda version 23.1.0. I appreciate your help in this matter. Thank you in advance.
Hi all, has anyone else faced the same problem as OP but not had a new environment solve the problem? I have been running into problems for every work around I can find, but cannot seem to be able to install a version of SPAdes above 3.13. And I need >= 3.14 to run Unicycler (which is ultimately my goal).
If I create a new environment again for this purpose, as above (using
conda create -n spades -c bioconda spades=3.15.5
), for example, I return the following error:Could it be to do with my linux kernel? Which is version 5.15.0
Any help very much appreciated!!