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23 months ago
Hi, I'm checking my ChIP-seq library, and I'm following ENCODE guidelines but I can't figure out whether NRF and PCB analysis should be done before or after removing PCR duplicates or before. I know this is probably a stupid question but I just can't figure it out.
Thank you
If you remove the duplicates then the non-redundant/non-duplicated fraction will be 1.0. But if you save the log file during the de-duplication then you will get the number of replicates.
Can you explain me better? Because for the NRF I do :
a) samtools view -c .bam b)samtools view -c -F 260 .bam
then b/a
and as a bam file I use the one that I deduplicate
If you use samtools markdup then
samtools markdup -r -f foo.log foo.bam foo.dedup.bam
should give you deduplicated BAM and duplication stats. Does it answer your question?Not really, because I already have deduplicate my bam file so I already know the number of deduplicate reads. I have a bam file that is without the deduplication (my final bam) and a bam file that keep it. My question is how calculate NRF now that I have the two files.
Any resolution? im struggling with the same problems for obtaining the NRF if it works , I used this for calculating PBC.
PBC <- function(IP) {
} an then use this... PBC(your-bam.bam)