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20 months ago
Hi everyone,
I have 10 paired end samples. I have done the quality check and trimming then I merged the trimmed reads and after that I have done the mapping using minimap2 using this command:
minimap2 -ax map-ont ref.fna(reference genome) trimmed.fq(merged trimmed reads) >aln.sam
I want to do the assembly now, but I don't find any tool where I can use this sam file
Please help me with this.
Thank you
You have paired end reads from Nanopore?
sorry its from illumina
What's your end goal? You should use programs like STAR, Salmon, Kallisto for mapping/generating count matrices.
Then you probably shouldn't use the
preset for Nanopore reads? And by merging, you mean you merged overlapping paired-end reads or you merged all 10 samples?If your goal is a reference-guided de-novo assembly of the transcriptome, have a look at StringTie. Here are two tutorials (1,2) or you can use a ready-made pipeline with this capability.
just curious why do you need read assembly, is it known or unknown organism? why minimap2 in case of RNA-seq ?