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20 months ago
Hi, is there any recommended pre-processing for Agilent microarray data?
I know there're frma and rma for Affymetrix microarray data, but I am not sure about Agilent.
I found a R package called AgiMicroRna but it seems to focus on processing data for analysis with the limma package.
Thank you.
I think limma does pretty good : http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/vignettes/limma/inst/doc/usersguide.pdf
Hi, thank you for the reply. Since I'm not familiar with Agilent data, what are the standard way of pre-processing the data? For example, should I be doing background correction?
That is covered in the linked document when searching "Agilent".
thank you!
I was also looking for this. So we donot necessarily need the agilient R package to process the data?