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16 months ago
I have been trying to runScenic2 but I keep getting the error below:
runSCENIC_2_createRegulons(scenic2, coexMethod=c("top5perTarget"))# Toy run settings
17:06 Step 2. Identifying regulons
[1] "IOError: Failed to open local file '/Users/sp2037/Desktop//NA'. Detail: [errno 2] No such file or directory"
Error in runSCENIC_2_createRegulons(scenic2, coexMethod = c("top5perTarget")) :
It is not possible to load the following databses:
Does anybody else has encountered a similar error or anyone willing to provide some feedback?
Can you provide the actual command you are trying to run? Looking at the error above it looks like it is not able to find a file for the database.
The command is the top line:
runSCENIC_2_createRegulons(scenic2, coexMethod=c("top5perTarget"))
I have double checked that the file has been downloaded correctly.
Quick look at the scenic manual indicates
is where you assigned the directory that contains the database files? That may be incorrectly done.