I want to use bbmap to filter out host sequences from my metagenomics reads. It is my understanding that bbmap calculates the insert size independently for each thread that it is run on, and I am trying to figure out if that makes a difference for my purposes. Does the insert size influence which reads are mapped?--in other words does bbmap (A) map all the reads then determine insert size or (B) calculate insert size and use this to determine if a read has mapped?
bbmap.sh -Xmx${mem}g -t=${threads} minid=0.95 maxindel=3 bwr=0.16 bw=12 \\
quickmatch=t fast=t minhits=2 qtrim=rl trimq=10 untrim=t in1=${forward_fastq} \\
in2=${reverse_fastq} path=${filtered_read_path} outu1=${out1} outu2=${out2}