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8 months ago
I've been running tools on Galaxy (https://usegalaxy.org) today to analyze bulk RNA-seq data following this pipeline (https://youtu.be/KVh98S89yUU?si=jvBNvbZ-stVoz9-k). I've run StringTie on two different datasets and I keep getting this error while trying to generate the Gene and Transcript counts files.
Dataset Error Report
An error occurred while running the tool toolshed.g2.bx.psu.edu/repos/iuc/stringtie/stringtie/2.2.2+galaxy0.
Tool generated the following standard error:
/usr/local/bin/prepDE.py:72: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\-'
RE_COVERAGE=re.compile('cov "([\-\+\d\.]+)"')
/usr/local/bin/prepDE.py:75: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\-'
RE_GFILE=re.compile('\-G\s*(\S+)') #assume filepath without spaces..
I have sent a bug report to the Galaxy administrator but while I wait for their reply, I was wondering if anybody else has faced the same problem or if somebody has some answers. Is this an issue with my dataset or with the StringTie tool?
If you have not done so please post this in Galaxy help forum for directed help: https://help.galaxyproject.org/
will do, thank you
I am not sure if this is true for Galaxy, but when I code in Python, SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '' occurs when you want to add an invalid escape character in a Python string literal. For example of one that works:
So, it is picky about that letters/characters you can add after a \
When you are inputting your files into galaxy, or choosing an option, do you see anywhere that has a \-? I am wondering if maybe this is something conserved within Galaxy and gives this error when you add "\-" into a string. When I do print("\-") in Python at least, it prints out as:
so this would probably be unique to Galaxy.
Hi, I did not encounter any " \ - " characters in the fastq input files, and it doesn't seem to be present in any other files either. Thank you for your input anyway!
hi, did you find a solution for this? i am facing the same problem