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8 months ago
Hi all, I am a newbie in bioinformatic, and just ordered a desktop for the coming nanopore Mk1B. Could you kindly answer some silly questions? Thx very much
Could MiniKnow be installed in the latest Ubuntu 24.04?
As the graphic card is for base-calling / calculation, would there be any different if I connect the monitor to the HDMI port of the Graphic card vs connect to the HDMI port on the motherboard?
apart from MiniKnow, I am going to install Epi2me Lab too, however, that require Docker and nextflow to be installed first. shall I install Miniknow first or Docker/nextflow first ?
Looks like this question was posted on Nanopore community and was answered there. I will re-post the answer (as a summary) here since the community is not anonymously accessible.
Ubuntu 24.04 may work but is not officially supported at this time. Installing Ubuntu 22.04 was recommended if Epi2Me was needed.
Use the port on the motherboard. You want to keep the graphics card for doing compute.
Please accept my appreciation for your support GenoMax