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9 weeks ago
Hi I need some help with R programming in bioinformatics.Is any expert willing to help me?
Hi I need some help with R programming in bioinformatics.Is any expert willing to help me?
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You need to post a specific question and provide some context, or an example of what you have already tried. Also FYI you marked this post as 'News' not as a question.
You will not get help with writing your assignment from scratch. If you make an effort (show your code) and describe the problem you are running into, then people may be inclined to provide pointers.
You are asking for commitment from someone to help you sight unseen. That would have to be someone who knows everything in bioinformatics and a person who has potentially a good deal of time because it is not clear how much effort this would take. Good luck finding either person, let alone someone who fulfills both criteria.
The way this works is you ask a question and show us what you have done already. Based on that people will decide to help you or not.