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9 weeks ago
I'm looking to run some R training for my team. I was wondering if people have some suggestions for resources that allow you to run R code on the cloud (ideally for free for less than 20 people) so I can avoid the typical laptop set up / admin rights etc hassle.
Posit cloud, or you deploy a JupyterLab that they log into.
Free Posit Cloud has a pretty hard limit for the shared workspace, compute hours and output I don't have a lot of available resources for paid options. I would probably be looking at 2 hours x 10-15 people. I'd ideally like to keep it as close to a RStudio-like environment so that people aren't confused by different IDEs so I dunno if JupyterLab would work.
You could look at building an apptainer container that you can share (or use something that is already available). I hope you are not planning to do any heavy lifting in the training since some will invariably have machines with minimal specs.
CyVerse could be another option: https://cyverse.org/ and https://learning.cyverse.org/
Along the lines of GenoMax's direction, there is RStudio served vis MyBinder sessions. Go here and click on the '
launch binder
' badge to the right of 'RStudio:' to start a session in RStudio. (You'll note Jupyter with an R-kernel is an option, too. Disregard that the link seems to not work. I requested a fix to the URL many months ago now, and if you decide to fo this way I can tell you how to switch and even have multiple interfaces to the same session open at the same time using editing of the URL obtained upon launch.).Importantly, you can even customize the environment further, see here for example where in the 'binder' directory I have used configuration files to install quite an array of libraries so the session that comes up already has them installed. The computational power is limited so that may be an issue. Plus, the sessions are temporary and so be sure to encourage the trainees to save/download to local system regularly.