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6 months ago
Hi everyone.
I know that fastq files are composed of 4 lines per read and the first line, being header, starts with @ and the sequence name and some other information. I was wondering what sort of information could one obtain from the header line. For example, the header line of my sequence looks like below; How could I interpret that?
@lh00134:210:22CWMFLT3:3:1101:29644:1096 1:N:0:CAACAATG+CCGTGAAG
Thanks in advance.
This is well-covered under 'With Casava 1.8 the format of the '@' line has changed:' section in the Wikipedia post for the fastq format.
Do not delete posts that have received feedback. Interact with the people that have invested effort into helping you, and work towards providing closure to your post.
I did not mean any disrespect to @Wayne or any other person. I thought I posted a thank you message before deleting the post. I simply deleted it to avoid redundant posts in the blog. Thank you
Is this a redundant post? Can you show me an identical post please?
Again, I apologise from @Wayne for not thanking him before deleting my post. I think my reasons and response were very clear.
No apologies required, it's just forum etiquette. Once you create a post, it belongs to the community. As long as no one engages, you deleting the post is akin to a tree falling in a forest - nobody really knows that it existed. As soon as someone engages with you, the post is no longer exclusively yours and you should not delete it.
The reason for deletion is not clear. You call the post redundant but there's no redundancy as far as I can tell. Evidence to the contrary is welcome.