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4 months ago
HI dear friends
What is the meaning of this error ?
my command is
filterbytile.sh -Xmx10G threads=48 reads=-1 lowqualityonly=t in=SRR24564994_1.fastq.gz in2=SRR24564994_2.fastq.gz out1=SRR24564994_1_filter.fastq.gz out2=SRR24564994_2_filter.fastq.gz
Thank you so much
It is possible that you are assigning relatively less memory for the number of threads being run. Can you try increasing the memory (50 or 60g) or lowering the tread number (to say 12). 48 seems like an overkill.
If that does not help make sure you validate your fastq files to ensure that there is no corruption.
I had issues with tools interpreting the SRR24564994
as read-pair identifier instead of read-counter (as well as the second read's.2
suffix). Try to skip the first reads. You also might want to tryallowidenticalnames=t