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10 weeks ago
Hi everyone,
I am working with the DRS reads and wants to correct the reads using the short illumina reads. I am using the following command:
lordec-correct -2 c6r1_1.clean.fq, c6r1_2.clean.fq -k 19 -s 3 -i c6_r1_nanopore.fastq -T 64 -o c6_r1_corrected.fastq
As the illumina reads have "ATGC" and DRS reads have "AUGC", do I need to first convert the T->U or U->T before running lordec-correct
is from 2014 so it predates direct RNA sequencing. It is likely designed to work with DNA so you will have to make the change.I have also considered "proovread", but then again its from 2014.
Do you have any other suggestion for a suitable software to correct nanopore DRS reads?