I am working with single-cell sequencing files and am getting stuck when converting sam to bam. Any help is sincerely appreciated:
This is my initial cutadapt command:
cutadapt -a CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT -A CTGTCTCTTATACACATCT --interleaved --cores=16 -o project/outs/fastq_path/project/PTO035/PTO035_1.fastq.gz -p project/outs/fastq_path/project/PTO035/PTO035_2.fastq.gz project/outs/fastq_path/project/PTO035/PTO035_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq.gz project/outs/fastq_path/project/PTO035/PTO035_S1_L001_R2_001.fastq.gz
This is my command for converting to sam:
bwa mem -C -M -t 16 genome.fa <(zcat project/outs/fastq_path/project/PTO035/PTO035_1.fastq.gz) <(zcat project/outs/fastq_path/project/PTO035/PTO035_2.fastq.gz) > aln_pe3.sam
When using this command to convert to bam, I get an error:
samtools view -Sb aln_pe3.sam > aln_pe3.bam
[W::sam_read1_sam] Parse error at line 196
samtools view: error reading file "aln_pe3.sam"
If it helps, this is what line 196 looks like:
SRR23292069.1 99 chr10 68742898 60 101M = 68742899 102 GTGAGACACTGCGCCTGGCCAGTGTAGCTATGATTTTCTTTCCTTTTTTATTTGAGACAGAGCCTCACTCGGTTGCCAAGGCTGGAGTGCAGTGGCGTGAT ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? NM:i:0 MD:Z:101 MC:Z:101M AS:i:101 XS:i:37 A00521:358:HWTVNDSX3:1:1101:1669:1000/1
There is no need for this process substitution zcat thing, bwa can read gzipped files.