Hello everyone,
I am using modkit to analyse the results from Dorado m6A_DRACH methylation base-calling.
(1) I have generated the bedmethyl file from bam file. Now i need a filter criteria for "coverage" and "mod_rate" to get rid of noisy predictions.
Can we directly use the filter on column "Nvalid_cov" as >=20 reads? or do we need to normalise it for per million reads?
(2) for Differential methylation analysis between conditions i am using dmr pair, following command
modkit dmr pair -a c6_r1.bed.gz -a c6_r2.bed.gz -a c6_r3.bed.gz -b dr6_r1.bed.gz -b dr6_r2.bed.gz -b dr6_r3.bed.gz -o dmr_result --ref Genome.fa --base A --threads 96 --log-filepath dmr_result.log
- How does modkit make the unified list of sites from both conditions with replicates?
- How does modkit tools handle the sites which are present in one condition and not in another?
- What kind of test modkit applies to get the DMR sites?
Looks like you already opened an issue on
GitHub. That is probably the best place to ask this: https://github.com/nanoporetech/modkit/issues/364If you get an answer there please come back to this thread and post it here.