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10.9 years ago
Y Tb
How to set/choose the best parameter for fastq_quality_trimmer.
Ex: fastq_quality_trimmer -t ?? -l ?? -Q 33 -i input.fastq -o output trim.fastq.
Is this a question? Can you please be more specific? What have you tried so far? What is your end goal, what are you doing with your sequence reads (assembly, mapping, etc.), and how stringent does your analysis have to be (no reference, quality of reference, etc.)?
HIi Josh,
I am going to map my RNA reads to human genome hg19, and after I checked my raw data using FastQC program, I found that my data need to be trimmed,so first I removed the adapter and I as I explained above I need to use fastq_quality_trimmer tool to trim the low quality sequence and I found the parameters -t ?? -l ?? -Q 33 so what is the criteria that should I use to for example put -t 20 -l 30 and Q33