From the GATK docs - [BQSR] assumes that all reference mismatches are errors and indicative of poor base quality - which is why we have to give it a list of dbSNPs to skip over. But what about somatic SNPs? Wouldn't hypermutated tumors from uterine, colorectal, melanoma, or lung cancers be re-calibrated to a lower quality than data from AML or breast? And variant caller sensitivity would drop accordingly. Or is this not a big deal, in practice?
As a test - I will try to do some high-confidence SNP calling on un-calibrated uterine cancer BAMs, append those to the dbSNP VCF for BQSR, and redo variant calling. Then I'll compare these calls to the standard BQSR BAM using only dbSNP.
Looking ahead to the results for your test. I have observed a similar problem in regards with finding novel variants. The Base Quality Score Recalibration will probably decrease the chances of a variant caller to detect novel snps.