Hi everyone, I want to generate diploid consensus sequence for one human individual from BAM file for PSMC analysis purposes. my command line is:
samtools mpileup -C50 -uf REF.fa BQSR_AAGC0220.bam | bcftools view -c - | perl vcfutils.pl vcf2fq -d 8 -D 100 | gzip > AAGC0220.fq.gz
The command run for two days on my server computers and after that i got an error message:
Error: Could not parse --min-ac -
Use of uninitialized value in length at /leofs/zengchq_group/sohail/softwares/bcftools-1.2//vcfutils.pl line 565.
Use of uninitialized value in length at /leofs/zengchq_group/sohail/softwares/bcftools-1.2//vcfutils.pl line 565.
[mpileup] 1 samples in 1 input files
<mpileup> Set max per-file depth to 8000
I am using BAM file that came out after BQSR in GATK pipeline.. does it has any impact or am i making any mistake in command-line?? i am using samtools-1.3.x, and bcftools-1.3.x
Can anyone please guide me how to solve this??
Hi @Dan, thanks for the answer.. can you suggest any way to run samtools faster?