I have some chip-seq data and I want to do some peak calling. To do peak calling with ZINBA, peakseq, MOSAiCS I need to have mappability data.
This data is given for hg19 ( http://www.bios.unc.edu/~nrashid/map50_hg19.tgz from this page http://code.google.com/p/zinba/wiki/UsingZINBA) however, the chip-seq data I use thus far have been aligned to 1000 genome's version of hg19 ( ftp://ftp.sanger.ac.uk/pub/1000genomes/tk2/main_project_reference/) and I do not wish to realign all the data I have (previously I have been using MACS, I want to see results from other peak callers)
I have tried to run ZINBA using hg19 mappability files but I get a segfault pretty early on. Thus, I am trying to generate these mappability files: I get the feeling that these files are unique to whatever you used as reference (so hg19 with chr1-22+x,y mappability files would not be interchangeable with chr1-22+x,y,M)
I was wondering if someone could shed some insight into what these mappability files are and if they are interchangeable (because if they are then I would only have to generate M+supercontigs for 1000 genome's version of hg19 and use chr1-22 from the available hg19).
Additionally, I was wondering if this was the right program to generate these files: http://archive.gersteinlab.org/proj/PeakSeq/Mappability_Map/Code/
I would contact the ZINBA developers, the project seems recent so it you will be likely able to reach those that can help you.
The ZINBA webpage indicates that "these files were generated using code from Peakseq , developed by the Gerstein Lab", so the answer to your last question is yes, you should be able to use this code and generate your own mappability files. Alternatively, as suggested by Istvan, ask directly to the developers...
@nico - i could not find any links from the peakseq website that directly links to the program code I pasted above so I was unsure. thoes files are stored in a different directory than the main peakseq files
Can anyone please answer this " if someone could shed some insight into what these mappability files are and if they are interchangeable" and what are the advantages of using these files.
Ah! This question is little bit old, should I post a new one?
to get started, its probably best to read the peakseq paper and website: https://sites.google.com/a/brown.edu/bioinformatics-in-biomed/peakseq-for-chip-seq