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12.8 years ago
I'm trying to finish up an assignment (writing a software tool that will extract gene sequences from the chromosome) and this is the only question I can't get. Can anyone walk me through this? THANKS!
For each (non-header) line in the gene file you need to create an entry for the FastA file as follows. For a sequence like:
NM_00100344 chr11 + 5925152 5926098 5925152 5926098 2 5925152,5925652, 5925404,5926098,
I want an information line that looks like the following (unspliced version):
or (spliced&version):
Following the information line should be the actual sequence (extracted from the chromosome file, and reverse-complemented if necessary), using a column width of 70.
is this homework? you should tag it with the homework tag if it is. Also, what have you tried and why is it not working? Are you running into errors or do you have no idea whatsover how to start addressing the problem?
It looks like a homework assignment.. Anyway, is it limited to solved this problem by python?
It's okay to ask questions about homework here.
But it will be better if you share your opinion and what you have tried to solve this problem ^^
It is okay, but you should tag it with a homework tag. The answer given can differ between homework and non-homework questions (hints how to solve it instead of giving the answer outright)