I have list of genomic regions:
chr14 83053041 83062424
chr4 9160067 9223997
chr2 144458153 144467912
chr10 86819472 86833402
chr12 39614733 39641285
chr4 68608137 68629925
chr17 36334147 36408831
chr12 19306607 19314016
chr4 97531083 97537086
chr2 88351361 88366115
I would like to extend them by 2 kb and then divide them in a window of 500 bps and count tags.
Extending the regions is quite straight forward:
awk '{ print $1 "\t" $2-2000 "\t" $3+2000}'<test.bed>ext.test.bed
I am bit lost as how to divide it in equal number of windows of 500 bps and count tag in them.
If it was just counting reads it is simple
coverageBed -abam test.bam -b ext.test.bed -counts > Reads.bed
Kindly guide or share your one or two liners.
Thank you
Thank you for your answer, I have an additional question. How can I plot these numbers as an heatmap or average coverage profile.
Thank you
In that case I would suggest you use deepTools. It's a great toolkit for counting and plotting read distribution/enrichment. For your case, have a look at the following example in their documentation: http://deeptools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content/example_gallery.html#dnase-accessibility-at-enhancers-in-murine-es-cells