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6.3 years ago
I am trying to use an Agilent SureSelect exome enrichment bed file in Qualimap. When I run qualimap with the bed file (analyzing a bam), it says that the bed file should have six fields. Here is a sample line from the bed file:
chr1 3206095 3207055 gb|AY534250,ens|ENSMUST00000070533,ref|NM_001011874,entg|Xkr4,ccds|CCDS14803.1,gb|BC169294
I used bed file format on UCSC BED file definition and I modified my file using follow command line:
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}{print $1,$2,$3,$4,0,"."}' orig.bed > new.bed
Nothing change, qulimap doesn't work. The error message is:
BED format error, bed file should have six fields. Problematic line: browserpositionchr1:3206095-3207055.
Thanks Salvatore
Are you sure that you took the correct file (for the
command and/or in qualimap)?Open your
and have a look whetherbrowserpositionchr1:3206095-3207055
exists there.EDIT: Wait, in the bed file I have here provided by Agilent, the first two line contain something like comments (unfortunately not introduced by a
). Just remove them.fin swimmer
Yes, it could be first issue, another could be that column n 4 of bed file has \n at the end of line, my awk command line doesn't remove \n. I will try to adjust these things and i will see.
The issue is comments not introduced by # and dos line ending !!!