In order to find biomarkers of interest related to a disease (APS) and from two studies (one gene expression array study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo/query/acc.cgi?acc=GSE50395, and one NMR-metabolites study: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/metabolights/MTBLS356), my idea was to perform firstly a Gene Set Enrichissment Analysis (GSEA) from the first study and a Metabolites Set Enrichissment Anaalysis (MSEA) from the second study to put onlight some pathways of interest.
But after that, I was wondering of how integrate these 2 sets of datas in order to gain in sensitivity for the detection of biomarkers and pathways, in the case of a "multi-omics" approach.
I called for you're help because I'm a little lost. As a newly bioinformatics student I don't know all the softwares available and I do not even know if my idea is feasible.
Didi you know bioinformatics tools that can combine my two sets of data ? Maybe I shouldn't realise GSEA and MSEA and only considers the genes and metabolites differently expressed in the two studies before to combine them ?
Thank you by advance for you're help.