I'm starting conservation analysis with phyloP score by UCSC Genome Browser. They provide phyloP score here: "http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg19/phyloP100way/" However, the score is a little bit different from that of score seen by UCSC Genome Browser. For example, a position chr6:46721460 in the Genome Broswer is denoted as 0.0046... but in the wig data (you can download via the above link) the same position has a value of 0.035. Of course, the discrepancy between them is not much big (maybe it can be acceptable to determine conserved region... in my thought); I still want to know the reason why.
If there is anybody knows about it, please reply.
Thanks for your attention.
I think UCSC Genome Browser uses this file here.
Thanks for your reply. I checked the file up and thought that the file records phyloP score by 1024 positions as a block. To compare easily, I want to access single position phyloP score... could you let me know the origin source (URL)?