I have selected set of genes (114) from large meta-analysis. Then, I used an independent data set (not used in meta-analysis) to cluster the samples (2 groups) with HC based on genes selected from the meta-analysis. The HC rightly clusters all samples except 3 out 40.
Now I want to randomly select 114 genes 1000 times to show none of these random selection of genes clusters samples as my original one. Is there any R package that can do this task?
Thanks a lot, Ezhil
Thanks Manu. Yes, I can use sample to select random genes and do the process. I thought that the whole process have already implemented in some R machine learning packages.
Maybe there is... Although I'm a "R guy", I use weka when I need to perform a machine learning analysis. http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/index.html