I have written an R-script for prioritizing variants which uses a file annotated by wANNOVAR as input.
But since wANNOVAR can not annotate VCF files larger than 50Mb, if I want to use my script for VCFs from WGS, I must find another way to annotate my VCF, while keeping the same columns of the wANNOVAR output.
I have learned to use ANNOVAR and I am now in the process of downloading the databases necessary to obtain a wANNOVAR-like output.
To speed up the process, does anyone know the table_annovar.pl command used for generating the wANNOVAR output with ANNOVAR?
I don't think there would be tool that does what you're asking for. You would have to preprocess the output yourself.
Yes, exactly. To do so you need to use an ANNOVAR command that will be something like this:
perl table_annovar.pl VCF_files/test.vcf humandb/ -buildver hg19 -out test -remove -protocol ensGene,ALL.sites.2015_08,AFR.sites.2015_08,AMR.sites.2015_08,EAS.sites.2015_08,EUR.sites.2015_08,SAS.sites.2015_08,exac03,dbnsfp30a -operation g,f,f,f,f,f,f,f,f -nastring . -vcfinput -polish
But this still lacks several columns of the wANNOVAR output. I am checking one by one these columns and I am downloading the needed databases.
But I wondered if someone add already performed this task.