HMMER2GO* has a not-so-obvious option that will allow you to search for Pfam models by term and generate an HMM database in one go. For example,
$ hmmer2go pfamsearch -t development -o dev.out -d
Found 722 HMMs for development in 5 database(s). HMMs can be found in the directory: development_hmms.
The "-d" says to build an HMM database from the results (a single HMM based on the search terms). The "dev.out" is just a summary of what was found. Here is what it looks like:
$ head dev.out
Accession ID Description
PF10798 YmgB Biofilm development protein YmgB/AriR
PF02365 NAM No apical meristem (NAM) protein
PF06133 Com_YlbF Control of competence regulator ComK, YlbF/YmcA
PF06732 Pescadillo_N Pescadillo N-terminus
PF07572 BCNT Bucentaur or craniofacial development
PF10221 DUF2151 Cell cycle and development regulator
PF10539 Dev_Cell_Death Development and cell death domain
PF10719 ComFB Late competence development protein ComFB
PF11754 Velvet Velvet factor
Note: This search term is really broad and will likely return more than what you interested in. This is usually the case. The way I use this is to search without the "-d" option and look at the results. Then, I refine my search and tell the command to construct the database when I am certain the search returns what I want. Next, just run HMMER and find your genes of interest. Benefits of this approach is that HMMER is sensitive and essentially as fast as BLAST now, but the lack of global alignment mode in HMMERv3 makes domain extraction more challenging (just fyi).
*full disclosure, I wrote this tool. I was always doing similar tasks and thought it might be help others save a little time.
edit: I forgot to mention that this program will find ORFs and run the HMMER search against your newly constructed database (there is a brief tutorial on github). Hope that helps.
Be sure to make a post here on biostars when it is done! Thanks.