Try doing following steps:
1. use PEAR to merge forward and reverse reads.
2. Then use any denovo assembler to assemble reads. (If u know reference it would be nice)
3. Try to map to reference to validate (if neccessary).
De novo assemble all of your reads. If your amplicons are in high coverage, you ought to be able to recover them. Any standard assembler will do (ABySS, Velvet, Newblet, SOAPdenovo, etc.)
Since you know what you are looking for, you can map your reads to those targets. Extract the reads from the BAM file and assemble them de novo. Have a look at ARC.
Try doing following steps: 1. use PEAR to merge forward and reverse reads. 2. Then use any denovo assembler to assemble reads. (If u know reference it would be nice) 3. Try to map to reference to validate (if neccessary).