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8.2 years ago
Hi, I have genotyping file "x1.txt"with the below header:
SNP Name Sample ID Allele1 - Top Allele2 - Top GC Score SNP
chr1:109457160 2 C C 0.8609 [T/G]
I need to convert this file to ped to process it in Plink. This is what I find in Plink tutorial:
To output a file in the LGEN format, use the command --recode-lgen which generates files
plink.lgen plink.fam plink.map
so I try the new line in plink: plink --recode-lgen x1.lgen
But I got the following error: The first parameter must be a flag.
I appreciate any help. Thank you
Did you ever solve this? I have a "txt" file in the same format and am having trouble figuring out a column:
What does SNP mean in data from an Illumina MetaboChip final report?