I am trying to alignment RNA-seq data to refrence genome using bwa mem....
my data type is single end and 140-150 bp
Is it right to use bwa mem ?
bwa mem -B 0 -t 4 BWA-index.fa trimmed.fastq.gz > bwa-out.sam
or i have to use the BWA aln and witch option for snp discovery ?
sorry for my bad english ........
Unless your organism is prokaryotic you need to use an aligner which is aware of splicing, to map RNA-seq reads over introns. Examples of these are STAR, Tophat2 and HISAT2. In addition, SNP discovery is possible for RNA-seq, but it is not straightforward and not the most reliable technique for SNP discovery.
Try when you ask a question to be as informative as possible and don't forget to mention which organism you are working on!
In addition, I'm not sure -B 0 is a good setting for bwa mem, but that's something else... (Unless you know what you are doing, stick with the default settings. A tool should have reasonable default settings so you don't have to think about tens of options.)
If flexible with aligners, STAR is very fast and gives good results.
If you need to run fusions as well,you can use STAR fusion which will give you BAM as well as fusions.
thanks for your annswers.....
i first use tophat 2.1.1 for alignment .. and percentage of map is very low ...
Input : 11677522
Mapped : 4646585 (39.8% of input)
of these: 63466 ( 1.4%) have multiple alignments (536 have >20)
39.8% overall read mapping rate.
i work on rna-seq of honey bee .
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It should be possible to improve the tophat alignment, I guess. Could you elaborate on how you processed the data (adapter and quality trimming) and how you performed the tophat alignment?
you need to use aligner which support split alignments for rna-seq - like tophat.