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8.2 years ago
I would like to go to the location of a specific peak from my bed file based on peak ids in the 4th column. However, when I write the peakname I get "Sorry, couldn't locate peakno_6 in genome database". Is there a specific format that I should use to put my bed file ?
Also, the 5th column in my bed file is for the peak heights obtained from peak calling. However the score that defined in the BED format is quite different than this, Can this also be cause of the problem?
Thank you very much for your help,
Best regards,
chr6 51217007 51217843 peakno_1 40.3075702308 .
chr7 66969066 66969892 peakno_2 32.5309377692 .
chr6 51567477 51568269 peakno_3 47.5875009231 .
chr6 51602203 51602971 peakno_4 55.1781006154 .
chr6 51877697 51878445 peakno_5 50.4969716923 .
chr7 68195682 68196529 peakno_6 19.0570760769 .
chr11 117046695 117047479 peakno_7 26.1636610769 .
For the ones who still have the problem. I got my question answered by UCSC mailing list. This is the link of the answer.