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6.5 years ago
I have gff3 file in the following format:
#gff-version 3
##sequence-region Chromosome 1 <some_number>
#!genome-build European Nucleotide Archive <some_number>
#!genome-version <some_number>
#!genome-date 2014-10
#!genome-build-accession <some_number>
#!genebuild-last-updated 2014-10
Chromosome European Nucleotide Archive chromosome 1 <some_number> . . ID=chromosome:Chromosome;Alias=<some_number>;Is_circular=true
Chromosome ena gene 16 1000 . + . ID=gene:<gene_name>;Name=<name>;biotype=protein_coding;description=initiator protein<name>;gene_id=<id>;logic_name=ena
Chromosome ena mRNA 16 1000 . + . ID=transcript:<name>;Parent=gene:AJAP_00005;Name=<name>;biotype=protein_coding;transcript_id=<id>
Chromosome ena exon 16 1000 . + . Parent=transcript:<name>;Name=<name>;constitutive=1;ensembl_end_phase=0;ensembl_phase=0;exon_id=<id>;rank=1
Chromosome ena CDS 16 1000 . + 0 ID=CDS:<name>;Parent=transcript:<name>;protein_id=<id>
I have used two ways to convert gff3 to gtf: 1) gffread and 2) gff3ToGenePred and genePredToGtf . Both missed the biotype attribute in the gtf file
. I want to include biotype in the gtf file.
Any guidance please.
Did you try the option
with gff3ToGenePred? There you getThanks, but I got with -F option in gffread.