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5.9 years ago
Morgan S.
I am having a hard time understanding how I can turn my gene predictions and annotations into a visual. In R, using the Circlize package, I created this figure for my genome
Now I want to add gene predictions from eggNOG/Cogs into my genome figure like in these examples below:
and Ku et al., 2013
The annotation output does not have any information regarding the gene start and end locations for me to be able to map them? So how are these authors doing it?
Thanks for your help!
Did you not do gene predictions as an independent step before trying COG analysis? In the paper you linked the authors did
I did, but it was different fro that paper which was based on metatranscriptomics. Mine are based on whole genomes. I used MAKER for gene predictions. I uploaded the protein fasta file from the MAKER output into the eggNOG mapper
What kind of genome are you working with? Prokaryotic or eukaryotic?
Here is what the output looks like
Is the query file multi-fasta? Individual fasta? You still need to tell us if your genome is Pro- or Eukaryotic. For prokaryotic genomes you should use Prokka instead of MAKER.
Sorry, I thought I replied, but it is eukaryotic, fungal to be exact. The query file is a multi-fasta file. Like this: