Hi, I have a list of SNPs (with marker RS id) in a .txt file. Beacuse we don't have the .ped file and the .map file, we want to know if it is possible to do LD pruning using plink? And how to do it? I am almost an outsider to plink and know very little about LD pruning, hoping your answer could be more detailed. Thank you very much for any help. I highly appreciate any suggestions!
Please show the format of the data that you currently have.
Do you have any genotype file such as bed bim fam? (they are the compressed format of .ped and .map). If not, you can't calculate the LD nor perform LD pruning unless you are willing to use the 1000 genome data and your SNPs can be found in the 1000 genome data. If that is the case, you can do it with something like
You can find the documentation here