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12.3 years ago
test_id gene_id gene locus sample_1 sample_2 status value_1 value_2 log2(fold_change) test_stat p_value q_value significant
A1BG,NM_130786 A1BG,NM_130786 - chr19:58858171-58874120 q1 q2 OK 0.0880865 46.1607 9.03353 -4.18911 2.80E-05 0.00093625 yes
A1BG-AS1,NR_015380 A1BG-AS1,NR_015380 - chr19:58858171-58874120 q1 q2 OK 2.71793 2.21958 -0.292218 0.173229 0.862471 0.948357 no
Hi, I am curious how cuffdiff give the p_value and q_value while I compare just two samples. This is the result of gene_exp.diff. As I know, pvalue and qvalue can only given while comparing more than two samples in two groups.
Very appriecate if anybody can clear this.
I see cuffdiff calculate the pvalue like this: http://cufflinks.cbcb.umd.edu/howitworks.html#hdif
It is so complicated, anyone can simple explain it. Thanks a lot!