MAKER genome annotation error with SNAP ab initio prediction
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3.0 years ago
sorrymouse ▴ 120

I am trying to do a second round of maker genome annotation with ab initio prediction by snap.

The error I am getting is as follows:

error: unknown command "genome.hmm", see 'snap help'. ERROR: Snap failed --> rank=NA, hostname=bioinformatics ERROR: Failed while preparing ab-inits ERROR: Chunk failed at level:0, tier_type:2 FAILED CONTIG:tig00000009

For every single contig.

Running snap standalone with the same hmm file works fine, with this command:

snap genome.hmm genome.fa

I made the hmm file with the following commands: ../maker2zff -d genome_index.log

fathom genome.ann genome.dna -gene-stats > gene-stats.log 2>&1

fathom genome.ann genome.dna -validate > validate.log 2>&1

fathom genome.ann genome.dna -categorize 1000 > categorize.log 2>&1

fathom uni.ann uni.dna -export 1000 -plus > uni-plus.log 2>&1

mkdir params/

cd params/

forge ../export.ann ../export.dna > ../forge.log 2>&1

cd ..

../snap/SNAP/ genome params > genome.hmm

This is what the top of the hmm file looks like:

zoeHMM genome.all 6 8 6 7


Einit 0 0 3 -1 explicit Esngl 0 0 150 -1 explicit Eterm 0 0 3 -1 explicit Exon 0 0 6 -1 explicit Inter 0.9 0.9 0 0 geometric Intron 0.1 0.1 0 0 geometric


Einit Intron 1 Esngl Inter 1 Eterm Inter 1 Exon Intron 1 Inter Einit 0.949186 Inter Esngl 0.050814 Intron Eterm 0.256243 Intron Exon 0.743757


0.431103 0.338360 0.230537 0.626318 0.196158 0.177524 0.584598 0.233223 0.182178 0.611959 0.195929 0.192112 0.740282 0.259718 0.747634 0.252366 0.745197 0.254803


Einit 2 DEFINED 0 249 -8.559 -8.500 -8.444 -8.389 -8.337 -8.286 -8.237 -8.189 -8.144 -8.099 -8.056 -8.024 -7.992 -7.962 -7.932 -7.902 -7.873 -7.845 -7.817 -7.790 -7.763 -7.760 -7.757 -7.754 -7.751 -7.748 -7.745 -7.741 -7.738 -7.735 -7.732 -7.729 -7.726 -7.722 -7.719 -7.716 -7.712 -7.709 -7.706 -7.702 -7.699 -7.699 -7.699 -7.699 -7.699 -7.699 -7.699 -7.699 -7.699 -7.699 -7.699 -7.698 -7.697 -7.697 -7.696 -7.695 -7.694 -7.693 -7.692 -7.691 -7.691 -7.694 -7.698 -7.701 -7.705 -7.708 -7.712 -7.716 -7.719 -7.723 -7.726 -7.731 -7.736 -7.741 -7.746 -7.751 -7.755 -7.760 -7.765 -7.770 -7.775 -7.780 -7.784 -7.789 -7.793 -7.798 -7.802 -7.807 -7.812 -7.816 -7.821 -7.828 -7.835 -7.842 -7.850

The maker_opts file:

-----Genome (these are always required)

genome= genome.fa organism_type=eukaryotic #eukaryotic or prokaryotic. Default is eukaryotic

-----Re-annotation Using MAKER Derived GFF3

maker_gff= genome.all.gff #MAKER derived GFF3 file est_pass=0 #use ESTs in maker_gff: 1 = yes, 0 = no altest_pass=0 #use alternate organism ESTs in maker_gff: 1 = yes, 0 = no protein_pass=0 #use protein alignments in maker_gff: 1 = yes, 0 = no rm_pass=0 #use repeats in maker_gff: 1 = yes, 0 = no model_pass=0 #use gene models in maker_gff: 1 = yes, 0 = no pred_pass=0 #use ab-initio predictions in maker_gff: 1 = yes, 0 = no other_pass=0 #passthrough anyything else in maker_gff: 1 = yes, 0 = no

-----EST Evidence (for best results provide a file for at least one)

est= altest= #EST/cDNA sequence file in fasta format from an alternate organism est_gff= genome_est.gff #aligned ESTs or mRNA-seq from an external GFF3 file altest_gff= #aligned ESTs from a closly relate species in GFF3 format

-----Protein Homology Evidence (for best results provide a file for at least one)

protein= protein_gff=genome_protein2genome.gff #aligned protein homology evid$

-----Repeat Masking (leave values blank to skip repeat masking)

model_org=all #select a model organism for RepBase masking in RepeatMasker rmlib= #provide an organism specific repeat library in fasta format for RepeatMasker repeat_protein=#provide a fasta file of transposable element proteins for RepeatRunner rm_gff= genome_repeat.gff #pre-identified repeat elements from an external GFF3 file prok_rm=0 #forces MAKER to repeatmask prokaryotes (no reason to change this), 1 = yes, 0 = no softmask=1 #use soft-masking rather than hard-masking in BLAST (i.e. seg and dust filtering)

-----Gene Prediction

snaphmm=genome.hmm gmhmm= #GeneMark HMM file augustus_species= #Augustus gene prediction species model fgenesh_par_file= #FGENESH parameter file pred_gff= #ab-initio predictions from an external GFF3 file model_gff= #annotated gene models from an external GFF3 file (annotation pass-through) run_evm=0 #run EvidenceModeler, 1 = yes, 0 = no est2genome=0 #infer gene predictions directly from ESTs, 1 = yes, 0 = no protein2genome=0 #infer predictions from protein homology, 1 = yes, 0 = no trna=0 #find tRNAs with tRNAscan, 1 = yes, 0 = no snoscan_rrna= #rRNA file to have Snoscan find snoRNAs snoscan_meth= #-O-methylation site fileto have Snoscan find snoRNAs unmask=0 #also run ab-initio prediction programs on unmasked sequence, 1 = yes, 0 = no allow_overlap= #allowed gene overlap fraction (value from 0 to 1, blank for default)

-----Other Annotation Feature Types (features MAKER doesn't recognize)

other_gff= #extra features to pass-through to final MAKER generated GFF3 file

I'm honestly losing my mind I've been struggling with this error for two days.

SNAP annotation genome MAKER • 2.6k views
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What does your maker_exe.ctl look like? It could be that the path to SNAP isn't set correctly

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-----Location of Executables Used by MAKER/EVALUATOR

makeblastdb=/usr/bin/makeblastdb #location of NCBI+ makeblastdb executable blastn=/usr/bin/blastn #location of NCBI+ blastn executable blastx=/usr/bin/blastx #location of NCBI+ blastx executable tblastx=/usr/bin/tblastx #location of NCBI+ tblastx executable formatdb=/usr/bin/formatdb #location of NCBI formatdb executable blastall=/usr/bin/blastall #location of NCBI blastall executable xdformat= #location of WUBLAST xdformat executable blasta= #location of WUBLAST blasta executable prerapsearch= #location of prerapsearch executable rapsearch= #location of rapsearch executable RepeatMasker=/RepeatMasker/RepeatMasker #location of RepeatMasker executable exonerate=/usr/bin/exonerate #location of exonerate executable

-----Ab-initio Gene Prediction Algorithms

snap=snap/SNAP/snap #location of snap executable gmhmme3= #location of eukaryotic genemark executable gmhmmp= #location of prokaryotic genemark executable augustus=/usr/local/bin/augustus #location of augustus executable fgenesh= #location of fgenesh executable evm= #location of EvidenceModeler executable tRNAscan-SE= #location of trnascan executable snoscan= #location of snoscan executable

-----Other Algorithms

probuild= #location of probuild executable (required for genemark)

This is the location of the snap executable

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3.0 years ago

I think this is your problem in maker_exe.ctl - try setting this to the absolute path of snap, something like /usr/bin/snap, not snap/SNAP/snap. It could be that the error you're seeing in SNAP is not due to your hmm file being wrong, but due to MAKER failing to start SNAP in the first place.

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Amazingly when I tried this last night it did not work, yet as I desperately tried again this morning it appears to be running smoothly. Thank you!

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Great to hear :)


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