Entering edit mode
3.1 years ago
Hello all,
I'm trying to use samtools within snakemke and I split them into multiple commands as follows:
samtools sort {input.mppd} | samtools view -b -S > {output.srtd} &> {log}
samtools index -bc {output.srtd} {output.srtd}.bai &>> {log}
if i write each command alone it works smoothly; I found that it only works if I remove the first log as follows:
samtools sort {input.mppd} | samtools view -b -S > {output.srtd}
samtools index -bc {output.srtd} {output.srtd}.bai &> {log}
I still need to have the log of the first command saved but I'm not sure why it is throwing this err? any ideas?
thank you