sra to genes count: getting only 0
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2.2 years ago
bamp • 0


I am trying to analyse some RNAseq data, and would like to get the genes count. I am using sra_tools to download the data, STAR to align with hg19 as reference. Unfortunately my output files has 90% 0s...

Here is my procedure: 1) getting the data

prefetch SRR1797218

2) convert to fastq (I tried with and without the trimming otion clip)

fastq-dump --clip SRR1797218.sra

3) building the genome reference

STAR --runMode genomeGenerate \ --genomeDir mypath/referenceIndex/ \ --genomeFastaFiles mypath/referenceIndex/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.primary_assembly.fa \ --sjdbGTFfile mypath/referenceIndex/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.gtf \ --genomeChrBinNbits 10 \ --genomeSAsparseD 2 \ --outFileNamePrefix mypath/referenceIndex/genome_ \

4) aligning and counting

STAR --runMode alignReads \ --twopassMode None \ --genomeDir mypath/referenceIndex/ \ --readFilesIn mypath/inputFiles/SRR1797218/SRR1797218.fastq \ --outFileNamePrefix mypath/star_out/test \ --quantMode GeneCounts \ --outSAMtype BAM Unsorted \ --outSAMunmapped Within \

Fianlly the output file

is filed mainly with zeros

N_unmapped 46568980 46568980 46568980 \ N_multimapping 47171 47171 47171 \ N_noFeature 6857 7249
7268 \ N_ambiguous 9700 168 31 \ ENSG00000223972 0 0 0 \ ENSG00000227232 0 0 0 \ ENSG00000243485 0 0 0 \ ENSG00000237613 0 0 0 \ ENSG00000268020 0 0 0 \

I am a bit lost and completely new to this task and tools... Do you see what I am missing here ?



Genescount SRA STAR • 458 views
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2.2 years ago

You can do some basic QC on the analysis to inform why its not working, with fastqc, samtools stats, multiqc, etc.

Using miniconda and bioconda with mamba should put you on the right path with installation.

There are also many, many, many RNA-seq tutorials out there to go through.

Lastly, check what the samples should be producing, using the precomputed recount3 or ARCHS4 databases or EBI expression atlas (if samples available).


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