Hello! I want to retrieve the annotation data (tRNAs, rRNA genes) from genomes located under this bioproject https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/bioproject/729490
There are 677 genomes and by clicking on the "Genome-Annotaiton-Data" of each genome entry (e.g GCA_029245675.1) I can see information regarding to the number of tRNAs and rRNA genes. I need to retrieve a table that report the number of these genes per each genome of this bioproject, is there a way to do this for example by using E-utilities ? I'm looking for some commands to do this but I don't find anything related.
thanks for your time
So as I understand that command gives a URL output where the requerid info is stored isn't it ?. the feature count table is what I need for each one of the genomes under that bio project. How did you retrieve the link of the feature table for that genome? (https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/all/GCA/029/245/675/GCA_029245675.1_ASM2924567v1/GCA_029245675.1_ASM2924567v1_feature_count.txt.gz)
Thanks so much for your reply :)