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15 months ago
Hi everyone, today we’re launching another product in our portfolio, the Tinybio Execution Engine coupled with tiny-cli - a way to execute bioinformatics jobs on a performant cloud environment with some simple python commands in beta. The package allows users to run bioinformatics tools like fastqc, samtools, etc. with specific command-line arguments via python scripts.
To see how the product works check out our example colab notebooks below:
- ATAC-Seq:https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1Bwn8PDW8SZK1eypoTEuuh0yiapZKq0sK?usp=sharing
- RNA-Seq:https://colab.research.google.com/drive/10Xz46EgSTLsEKH3kcyKVlRBrnPD-xHAB?usp=sharing
- Variant calling: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1JKYUwOd72r9MGLL4IjeUgKoh3A3aZ5-c?usp=sharing#scrollTo=tNH9cGnkBsc-
To try it now for free, see our quick start guide here: https://docs.tinybio.cloud/docs/quick-start