Hi there,
I am new in SNP analyses so before starting doing anything I would like to check if my pipeline is correct. What I have now is : RNA-seq samples (.fq.gz) + Trinity assembly (from those reads).
My model organism has not an assembled genome, that's the way I need to use the Trinity assembly.
The step would be as follows:
1) The idea is to use this Trinity assembly as a reference for the SNP analyses. For the mapping process I would use Bowtie software since it is recommendable for RNA samples and (as far as I know) support RNA assemblies. I would get a .bam file as an output.
2) Then, I'd use the .bam files for the variant calling. In this step, I'm not sure which software to use: SAMtools, GATK, or FreeBayes
3) I have read that at this step is needed to filter the SNPs based on various criteria, such as read depth, mapping quality, and allele frequency, to remove potential false positives and low-quality variants. Not sure the software I need to use here. I'm mainly focused on allele frequency, (in case there is a specific software for these analyses).
4) I would like to perform too a population-level analysis with my several individuals (same individuals sampled at different time points). Is it correct to use tools like PLINK, VCFtools, or ADMIXTURE for these analyses?
Any help is more than welcome.
Thank you so much in advance.
Additionally, the bioinformatics methods in this paper may be of use to you.
Thank you so much ! Very helpful :)