Entering edit mode
19 months ago
Hello everyone,
I am running the following code to clean my batch effect using conos method.
resolution = 1
con$findCommunities(method=leiden.community, resolution=resolution)
And, the error message I received:
Error in find_partition(graph, igraph::E(graph)$weight, resolution, n.iterations) :
REAL() can only be applied to a 'numeric', not a 'NULL'
I checked online and found that for the leidenAlg package, version 1.0.5, a similar problem was reported. Therefore, I upgraded it to the latest version. However, the issue still persists. Additionally, I installed the igraph package in my R environment, so I don't believe that is the problem. I hope you guys could offer some hits for me to solve issue.
UPDATE: the problem solved. Indeed upgrade package is the solution to solve the issue. But I need to exit current R environment and re-enter.