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18 months ago
Hello, I have hordeum vulgare addnotation eg. HORVU.MOREX.r2.UnG0628590.1 and I have GO addnotation. What tools I can use to prepare KEGG adnotation and vizualization my data?
You mean annotation instead of adnotation...right? Are you looking for Barley/KEGG gene mappings? Have you searched the literature? BarleyExpDB has KEGG mappings, and other groups have used various methods to investigate KEGG pathways in Barley. What kind of data do you have? What exactly would you like to do with it?
I have RNA-Seq data from barley tissue. I have mapped to references genome and addnotation. W would like to KEGG gene mapping.
for example:

you can either convert your IDs to Ensembl IDs and fetch the KO ids and produce a KEGG enrichment plot. You can also check out this site if in case this offers what you are looking for http://bioinformatics.sdstate.edu/go/